Saturday, September 6, 2008

Garden Update

Welcome to the Garden!

There are lots of reasons why having a garden this year has been the best thing ever!
1. It's out in the country, but only about 6 miles from my house. I biked out there on Labor day. It was so much fun.

This is the front side of the garden. Can you see the bikes?

2. I planted lots of fun things in my garden, but got lots of interesting surprises too. I LOVE SURPRISES!

Can anyone help me name these mystery squash and gourds that just popped up in odd places?

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

These other things, I think I can identify!

palm size Cantaloupe & baby Watermelon

Oh how cute. I didn't think I would have any of these because they were planted so late in the season! But look, look, look.


I planted lots so I could carve lots for Halloween.

Tomatoes! Pear & Regular

The wind keeps blowing them over, but I'm excited to go out a pick some!

Crookneck Squash!

I like to pick them when they are small and eat them in salads. Thanks for the idea, Grandma J.

Yellow Frilly Squash!

Okay, you might have to help me out on this one. I can't remember its name either.

Back to the reasons why this is the best thing ever.

3. In the Back of my garden, I have rows of wild flowers and sunflowers. I love it because I've had fresh cut (wild) flowers on my table all summer long.

The back of the garden.

The back of my garden also hides my favorite veggies, so I can go back and weed and forget that I'm right off a busy country road.

Beans, (which I didn't take a picture of because we picked them all) and

Peas! Yum, My absolute favorite.

4. Sometimes I would just sit behind the sunflowers and eat peas instead of weeding my garden. That's one of the perks of being a grown up, I guess.

Look who else I found hiding behind the sunflowers. Matthew really likes my garden too.

And Carrots!


Emily M said...

Sarah, congrats! When can we meet this lucky man? I am excited! Where are you getting married? I'm sorry we haven't been in the library at all this summer. I deserve a kick in the pants (from you and my boys). But yay!

Marcie said...

Oh Sarah I am jealous of your garden! I haven't had any garden peas this summer and it makes me sad. It looks very lovely though, good job!

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